Friday, June 7, 2013

We are in our final days in California and leaving is bittersweet.  I never like leaving my family here and it has also been great this time getting to know some of Tonya and Rick's friends--it is comforting to know that they are surrounded by strong believers.  Steve and Norma came to pray for my healing last Friday night and I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit and believe my complete healing is from my Great Physician and tonight they are coming again for communion with me.  I thank God for people who I know will continue to daily lift me up before God.  Annette, I met last night at Bunco with women from Tonya's church.  She is a RN and asked if she could pray for me--I was blessed again with another believer who prayed deliverance from cancer for me.  I do pray believing and claim healing. The Bible states that if we pray and do not believe, we are a double-minded man.  My doctor, Dr. Thermos also prayed with me at the end of my consultation.  It is such a blessing to meet God's people thousands of miles away and to know that in eternity if we have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ,  we will be permanently reunited for fellowship. 

Yesterday started with me being very frustrated and in tears and my sister Sharon prayed with me concerning my heavy hurting heart and God answered those prayers and turned my frustration into blessing with meeting and visiting with Frank, dedicating his life to witnessing in LA, fun times with my daughter and family, dinner at Lazy Dog Restaurant--Japanese cucumber salad, sauteed mushrooms and flatbread without cheese--learning to play Bunco with Tonya's Mom's Connection--special caring Christian women--who shared fun, laughter, and spiritual mentoring, and finally the prayer for my deliverance from cancer as I mentioned earlier by Annette.  It is such a blessing to see young mothers really love the Lord.

Finally, I want to share what I learned from my Teacher this morning. The weak need My strength, The strong need My tenderness, The tempted and fallen need My Salvation' The righteous need My Pity for sinners.  The lonely need a Friend.  The fighters need a Leader  No man could be all these to men--only God could be.  Phillipians 4:13 states:  But my God supplies ALL your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

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