Saturday, June 8, 2013

My Thoughts About My Blog...

But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and He will stand on the earth at last.  And after my body has decayed, and yet in my body I will see God!  I will see Him for myself. Yes, I will see Him with my own eyes.  I am overwhelmed with the thought!!  Job !9: 25-27  Job could say this amidst trials I cannot imagine--hope for any of us to stand.  Read the Ultimate--God's restoration as the result of Job truly knowing His Redeemer!

Be on guard!  Stand firm in the faith! Be courageous! Be strong!   And do everything in love!  I Corinthians 16:13.  Sometimes this is far from easy but each day as I rest in His presence,  I know I can do it but not in my own strength!!

I do not want this Blog to be anything but for His glory and for your encouragement!! Who else has loved you enough to die for you and is always ready to forgive and pick up the broken pieces and failures of our lives?  He is my Best Friend and I pray He is yours.  The best part of my day is my appointment with Him.  AND I can tell if I miss my appointment.  He is my Great Physician and the One upon Whom I lean.  May God rich bless you today and may you allow Him to draw you to Himself.  It is truly the best place to be in this life with its unrest, economic decline, its denial of God, and people seeking the pleasures of this world which will never bring true happiness.

 Sometimes I wonder if I should continue this Blog and if I could spend my time more wisely for Him.  I only share because I want those I know and love to know why I have peace that passes understanding, and I do.  My destiny, like yours, is in His hands.  I do claim healing that it will be an example that when doctors have the worst news and have no answers, that is just the beginning of what will happen if we trust Him and have the faith of a grain of mustard seed to move the mountains in our lives--mine is cancer right now and salvation and Lordship for all my family and friends so we will not only enjoy our time now together but for all eternity!!  I know there are mountains in all of your lives too and faith in Him will move that mountain.  I trust Him in this valley that actually has been a mountaintop experience because I have learned more of Him and how to be more like Him which is His goal for us here on earth!! I continue to trust Him for an even bigger miracle than in the beginning of my diagnosis with cancer and all is well with my soul.

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