Saturday, July 13, 2013

Not every day is easy but He gives me strength

Just a quick note to say I have learned so much from this battle. I've learned that sometimes I too have not taken time to spend time with people who mean so much to me.  I am learning what is most important.  The best part of my day is my time spent in wee early hours in the morning in His Word.  A friend said to me early on in this recent battle with cancer that she wondered why we try so hard to stay out of Heaven when we know and talk of how wonderful a place it is for all eternity.  I cannot answer that question today and I really cannot put into words why I fight some days. 

I am being honest when I say I am weary watching people more consumed in their cell phones and games and nonessential activities and it consumes a good part of their day!.  I can remember just being with my mom and dad and not doing anything special.. Today I just wish I could spend time with them.  This may seem blunt but it is truthful.  We too many times realize how important our parents are when it is too late.  I value the time with my family.  We use to spend hours with David's parents just around a kitchen table with the guys working on a carburetor with their dad or playing dominoes.  I never knew what it was to go to a mall and buy clothes. I sewed from the time I was in 9th grade and babysat to buy shoes to match.  My parents or David's did not leave a large monetary inheritance to us and yet they left us an even more important legacy--their time, their love of God, simple table games, homes that were not of HGTV quality but were full of love and ones where family time was most important.  Oh, for more of those days now.  We are many times of a fast treadmill of life accomplishing very little as far as God is concerned.

When one is fighting cancer or other life-threatening illness, It teaches you how to establish your priorities each day.  I just want to thank you like I thank God daily for those who keep in touch and pray for me for God to accomplish through me all He wants me to do.

1 comment:

  1. Love you, Mom! I wish we were around to spend more time with you! You are a blessing in our lives and I don't know what we would do without you. Thank you for always teaching and reminding us about what is truly important in life! I'm still praying for you and believing God for a miracle! :) Love you! Love, Tonya Joy!
