Friday, May 31, 2013

This morning reading Jesus Calling--Feb 16 date--I just opened to this and like always God spoke to me during a present frustration.  My life struggle has been learning to be a Mary sitting at His feet rather than a Martha trying to do everything.  It is hard for me be cautious and not lift my little Hadassah when she holds her arms up and to not romp on the floor.  I just know for now I cannot take that risk.  So this devotional was for me--Thank Him for the condition that requires you to be still.  Do not spoil these quiet hours by wishing them away, waiting impatiently to be active again.  Instead of resenting the limitation of a weakened body, search for My way in the midst of these very circumstances.  Limitations can be liberating when your strongest desire is living close to Me. This is my desire so I must obey.  God has spoken life into me--not death in this cancer journey so I must remain obedient, trusting for a miracle.

So yesterday while watching more than playing with my grandchildren at the park, I was somewhat frustrated.  Then God brought a man within my vicinity to sit and watch his grandchildren. Prince, our dog, was being overzealous so God used Prince to initiate a divine appointment again.  This man has been a pastor for 35 years and has family in Illinois and has had family in Boone Ia.  We shared for nearly 2 hours about the faithfulness of God in our lives.  He reminded me of my father Paul Temple, also a pastor where we daily knew about the faithfulness of meeting all of our needs and was a shepherd to his people with my mother as a vital part of that team--just loving their people and teaching them the way into the Kingdom.  He shared that people must be able to trust their pastor and that trust must not be lost.  I can hardly wait to enjoy people like these in Heaven forever. I thank God for how he used Prince and my sitting still to bless me with this divine appointment.  I will be keeping touch with this man, also named Paul, through Facebook.  Thank You Jesus!!

Then we attended Tonya and Rick's Bible Study.  What a joy to know that your children are searching the truth with other Christian friends.  I was blessed and they gave me a sack of organic lemons.  God cares even about the details of our lives.

In His heavenly light, Peace grows abundantly and weeds--pride. worry, selfishness, and unbelief--shrivel up.  Thank Him for troublesome situations;  the Peace they can produce far outweighs the trials you endure.  I pray for that Peace in all of your lives.  Thanks again for your prayers and encouragement.

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