Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Enjoying beautiful weather and scenery and outings in California with Tonya, Rick, Boaz, Hadassah, and David.  I thank the Lord for every day--I know each day He has His purpose for me on this journey.  Yesterday we went to San Juan Capistrano where the oldest mission and oldest building are and enjoyed a peaceful day but more than anything, the Lord blessed me with 2 divine appointments.  We were waiting at a crosswalk and a 79-year-old Korean vet approached me and remarked about my Star of David necklace. He was using his Memorial day to witness to people with a tract God Loves You and had excellent command of Scripture for all current beliefs in our nation  and of the times we live in.  He tells people like I do that I love Israel and Jewish people and I have had had the privilege of being grafted in and as a Messianic Gentile.  I was so blessed by Monte's witness and left saying Meet you in Heaven where what awaits us is beyond explanation and  comprehension.  Thank You Lord for this opportunity. Then, after returning to Tonya's, had to correct shipping address for an Amazon order and talked to a girl who liked my order that spoke comfort and belief and she shared about an aunt in her 70s who was diagnosed with bilateral Stage 4 breast cancer and given 6-8 months to live--her family is struggling but she has peace and knows where she is going.  We talked for quite a while and we were both blessed!  My prayer is that I will make each day, month, or years count for Him.  None of us knows when our time on earth will end--I have just been given a diagnosis that allows me to be more conscious of my purpose here for my God.The   In God Calling this AM, I was blessed with these thoughts----The presence of His Love is known by me in every difficulty, trial, and failure which have been many and that brings Joy and Peace. Hebrews 13:5 says==And be content with such things as ye have for he hath said, I will never leave thee not forsake thee.  I wish you all a blessed day and once again thank you for all your thoughts and prayers

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