Saturday, April 27, 2013

This week has been ceaseless activity--not part of God's plan. I finally had to reconcile myself to go to Dr and be treated for what has been diagnosed as tendonitis--cortisone injection in left shoulder, Naprosyn, and short bout with PT.  Cancer is a battle of the mind and without God in control of your mind, it is a very difficult discouraging battle.  It is difficult to comprehend a simple more normal diagnosis after being diagnosed with metastatic cancer.  BUT, GOD  is faithful and the therapist could not how good I looked, my strength and my range of motion after a left mastectomy (the rewards of no chemo or radiation which I continue to be His plan for me!  Then after therapy when we were in the midst of putting in a new refrigerator (after 28 years) I experienced a bout of sharp lower back pain and momentarily could not straighten my back.  As a nurse, I immediately thought pathologic fracture so I drew aside and asked God for a miracle --I knew once again this was not impossible for Him.  He answered my prayers again in HIs faithfulness and my mobility is good.  May I take more of your time and share some of His encouraging words to me these past
few days.         As the heavens are higher  than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:9      God is a Father who teaches us... In no uncertain terms, He shows us that His viewpoint and wisdom are many many rungs higher than ours.  We're foolish unless we always make Him our point of reference for counsel.  He has the master plan of our life and, knowing the end from the beginning, is best prepared to lead us.  Trust Him with your destiny. Trials, suffering, or tragedy may often seen the end.  Yet one day...we will be able to look back and say. "Oh, Father I see. Now I see!"  That is how He helps me see this journey with cancer daily.  I trust Him wholeheartedly with His plan for my life--even now.  I pray that you will have a blessed day and also learn to trust Him

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