Monday, April 22, 2013

I will soon be adding more detail about my cancer and the methods I am using to enhance my immune system and the miracle of healing that I expect  if it be God's will.  I am feeling excellent and I thank God for that daily; I do not take that for granted but know it is because of all the prayers that I have being offered daily for me.  I have never asked God for anything in regards to my healing that would not be His will and I only desire that my journey and healing would glorify Him.  As the focus of my blog states. He walks with me and talks with me daily and the joy we share is beyond my comprehension.  He has never failed me and I just ask Him daily what He would have me to do and pray that others will see Jesus through me on this journey..  Anytime I feel least bit discouraged, I just go to the Word and He meets my needs. My early morning time with Him is the most important part of my day that helps me cope with anything that happens that day.  Thank You everyone for your support!!

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